Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye!

To be clear, our Levi Engle died in Harrison County, Ohio. While we do not know the exact date of his death at this time, we can document that it was before July 1820. Our Levi Engle did not die in 1834 or 1844 as so many others have claimed. 

After reviewing over 500 Ancestry Trees that appear to share our Levi Engle,  NONE of the trees have any documents or proof of Levi’s death, proof of his parentage or proof of Nancy’s assumed maiden name of Burr.  The only verification is another member’s Ancestry Tree.  

If anyone viewing this post has information that would assist with any of these claims, we would love to hear from you. Maybe together we can solve these mysteries.

Levi Engle - Index-Probate Records Harrison County, Ohio

Cousin Cee, Researcher

Court Entries, July Term 1820 to November Term 1824

Court Dates 1820-1824

No. 109, Levi Engle, deceased, July Term 1820 . This document (above)references Book B, pages 50, 118, 188 & 269. Document is from Ohio Probate Records 1789-1996, Harrison Co., OH (image 48 of 466 at FamilySearch.org. Mentions Nancy Engle & Caleb Perry)

Here we have a copy of the Letter of Administration to Nancy and son-n-law, Caleb Parry during the July 1820 session, Harrison County, Ohio. This is followed 1 August 1820 with Estate Sale inventory and on 25 August 1820 the list of Estate Sales.

We do not have an exact date of death for Levi Engle. Levi died in Harrison County before the July Term in 1820.  Based on the last entry in the above document, Caleb Perry and widow, Nancy Engle would have to report back to the court not later than 5 years after Levi’s death which would have been before the July term 1825, based on the first entry date of July 1820. So far, final probate documents have not been located, if they were filed.

Cousin Cee

Inventory & Sales

Levi died intestate. Widow Nancy Engle also appears as “An Engle” with son-in-law, Caleb Perry in court documents.

After Levi’s death and dispersal of his estate, Nancy apparently went to reside with her daughter Rebecca’s family in Tuscarawas Co., OH – the household of Caleb Parry [co-administrator to Levi’s estate].

The 1820 Census record has an older white female residing in this household of Caleb and Rebecca [Engle].

Levi Engle, Sr. Family Group Sheet

We are seeking Engle Cousin Researchers for the unrepresented children of Levi & Nancy Engle.

William, Isaac and Levi Engle Jr. are currently represented.

Engle Cousin Representatives must be a descendant, willing to research their ancestor and adhere to strict genealogical research practices.

Dedicated to Quality Research