Monte Claude Alkire

Monte’s family connects with the Engle family in 1822.  Our common grandfather, Leonard Alkire, rode to Illinois horseback, and bought land at what is now Sweetwater, Menard County, Illinois.  He hired William Engle to put in a crop for him.  Leonard returned to Ohio to bring the family to Sweetwater in 1823.  William Engel was hired to go to Ohio and help with the move .  In 1825 William married Leonard’s oldest daughter Melissa Elizabeth, born in 1808.  Elizabeth was our grandfather’s, David Arthur Alkire born in 1825, oldest Sister.

Monte Claude Alkire
An Alkire Family History Vol. 1

In 2022 I published An Alkire Family History (Vol. I). This is 453 pages, 8.5X11 with color photos. It starts with Harmonias Alkire and his wife Mary Crayman in 1720. It includes all the history I could find down to my Grandparents Claude Stanley Alkire and his wife Eva Marie Motschenbacher. Claude and Eva had 5 children and 21 grandchildren. I refer to them as “our generation”, born between 1935 and 1962. There is a story about each of these families plus a few of Claude and Eva’s brothers and sisters, including some of their children and grandchildren. This history became a family project with 25 or more cousins contributing.

As we read about what our family did in the early years, it is impressive. It also reflects a multitude of strong values, traits, and faith that have been passed down to us through the years. For this I am forever grateful, especially as we look around our communities, this country, and the world today. I thank God that we were given the opportunities that originated in our families. After publishing Volume I information kept coming in and in 2023 I published An Alkire Family History Volume II.

An Alkire Family History Vol.2
An Alkire Family History Volume II is 211 pages, 8.5X11 with color photos. The first half of Vol. II elaborates on the early years, before 1920. The remainder covers supplemental recent history with a large section devoted to the family history of Thomas David Alkire, Claude’s brother, and his wife Helen Stowers.
In 2023, Monte has also published a book about his mother's family The History of a Quick Family

In the year 2008, his first book publishing Rope Your Dream describes his approach to pursuing one's passion in life.These books are available from the author, price includes shipping. Contact Monte Alkire for more information.